Video Gallery - Bnai Brith in Tripunithura

B’nai B’rith is an International Jewish Organisation with tremendous reach and which does remarkable work on issues of Human Rights, in addition to their Semitic interests. Their own research convinced them that the Jewish experience in Cochin is unparalleled in history.  The Jews were allowed to freely practice their religion and lifestyle, and encountered only respect and fairness from the Rajas of Cochin.  It is after ample contemplation and deliberation of  historical facts, that the International Jewish Diaspora decided to recognize and honour the Ancestors of the Cochin Royal Family with a 'Humanitarian Award'. 

At Tripunithura, the family members gathered at the Kalikotta Palace to welcome our esteemed guests. Garlands made of jasmine flowers, a procession of elephants and a traditional drumming ceremony was arranged. There was a short Ceremony for the presentaion of the Award, which was followed by tea.